
A gyrocopter is a type of aircraft that is similar to a helicopter in appearance and function, but operates using a different mechanism. Unlike a helicopter, which uses its engine to power the rotors that provide lift and propulsion, a gyrocopter has a freely rotating rotor that is turned by the air moving upwards as the aircraft moves forward.

The rotor of a gyrocopter is not powered by the engine, but instead, it spins freely like a windmill as the aircraft moves forward. The forward motion of the aircraft generates airflow over the rotor blades, which causes them to rotate and provide lift. The engine powers a propeller that provides forward thrust, allowing the gyrocopter to move through the air.

Gyrocopters are typically smaller and lighter than helicopters, making them more affordable and easier to operate for personal use. They are often used for recreational flying, aerial photography, and other low-altitude applications.

One of the advantages of a gyrocopter is its ability to take off and land in short distances, allowing it to operate from small airfields or even from open fields. They are also more stable than traditional fixed-wing aircraft in gusty or turbulent conditions, thanks to their rotor system. However, they are generally slower and have a lower maximum altitude than helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft.

In many countries, a gyrocopter pilot license requires a minimum number of flight hours and successful completion of written and practical exams. Overall, gyrocopters are a unique and exciting way to experience flight, combining elements of both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.